
DERELICT Episode One Premiere!
For more than a year, I’ve had a story idea in my head that harkens back to my love of 80’s science-fiction movies (ALIEN, ALIENS, THE TERMINATOR, THE ABYSS, THE THING), all of which were (and still are) major creative inspirations for me. The story became DERELICT, which followed a “Dirty Dozen” style group of scientists and engineers — all people at the end of their […]

John Steakley’s Armor
I have a guest blog post over at about a novel that meant a lot to me growing up, John Steakley’s science fiction novel ARMOR. Give it a read, if you have time:

The Razor Picked by Amazon as Best of 2018
Amazon Books has published their list of the Best Books of 2018, and guess what science-fiction-prison-planet-adventure got included? Check out the full list of other syfy titles here: Congrats to the other winners, especially everyone from TOR Books. Amazing company to be included in. Check out the trailer if you haven’t seen it, and you can pre-order The Razor […]

The Razor Audiobook Sample
The awesome Travis Baldree just posted a video with a sample reading from The Razor audiobook, and it’s one of my favorite chapters. You can tell he’s a pro because he has only a few “Whiskey Flubs”.

James Horner and the Giant Spring
I’m listening to my (sadly) out of print Vinyl edition of James Horner’s awesome score to BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS, not only my favorite Roger Corman movie (a tough call to make, it’s like picking your favorite Robert E. Howard short, but come on: it’s a remake of THE MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN in space, itself a remake of SEVEN SAMURAI in the […]

The cover for book two of my CONQUERED EARTH series, THE SEVERED TOWER, has been finalized. Tell me what you think…

New Project Announcement: DEEP
You might not think so, but I do write other material besides giant, dystopian, science fiction. For instance, I toyed with the idea of doing a Victorian romance, but I figured…stick with what works. No aliens in this one, but it is all under water with cool submarines. June 08, 2012 03:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time Director Shane Acker (“9”), […]
Midnight City Audio Book Coming
Blackstone Audio will be producing the audio book versions of the Conquered Earth series. Blackstone, for those who don’t know, is the largest independent audio book company in America. They’re still owned by their original founders, and they’re very passionate about what they do. It’s really exciting to be involved with them.