Posts Tagged ‘author’

The Importance of Finishing Stuff…No Matter What, Part Two
It’s not about reaching a completed version of something (with a true beginning, middle, and end; what we generally call a draft). This is about knowing when something is finished. When it is at the final draft. The hard part is, a final draft doesn’t always equal a success.

The Importance of Finishing Stuff…No Matter What (Part Uno)
Finishing something is a milestone. Finishing something with true forethought and intention is a victory. Doing so, puts you at a different stage of your career and progress as an artist.

Giving a Story World a Sense of “Real”
It’s interesting, I see a fair amount of articles and blogs on the subject of creating story worlds in speculative fiction, or “world building”. It’s a worthy subject no doubt, but for me there’s one aspect that seldom gets mentioned in these discussions, and in many cases also gets overlooked in finished novels and movies. It’s this: giving that story […]

TRON LEGACY: A Missed Opportunity
This isn’t most the topical blog post, but I recently rewatched the Blu-ray version of TRON: LEGACY, and felt like commenting about it. While it’s visually stunning, the film itself, sadly, leaves a lot to be desired. Which is a shame. To me, this movie is a tremendous missed opportunity for Disney to establish a dynamic, unique, massively entertaining franchise. […]