Posts Tagged ‘severed tower’
Top Ten (More or Less) Obscure Alien Tales
MIDNIGHT CITY, book one of my science fiction series CONQUERED EARTH, is set on a near future Earth conquered by a powerful, technological alien race called the Assembly. For most of my life I’ve had a love affair with stories dealing with aliens and alien invasion, so I thought I would list of some of the more obscure ones you […]
The cover for book two of my CONQUERED EARTH series, THE SEVERED TOWER, has been finalized. Tell me what you think…
J.J. Abrams’ STAR WARS: It Could Go Either Way
Well, it took a STAR WARS announcement for me to dust off the old blog. As I’m sure you’ve heard, J. J. Abrams will be directing the next STAR WARS movie, EPISODE VII: (INSERT TITLE WITH EPIC SOUNDING WORDS HERE). I was originally pessimistic when it came to this announcement, but I’ve changed my tune somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, […]