Posts Tagged ‘Star Trek’

James Horner and the Giant Spring
I’m listening to my (sadly) out of print Vinyl edition of James Horner’s awesome score to BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS, not only my favorite Roger Corman movie (a tough call to make, it’s like picking your favorite Robert E. Howard short, but come on: it’s a remake of THE MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN in space, itself a remake of SEVEN SAMURAI in the […]

J.J. Abrams’ STAR WARS: It Could Go Either Way
Well, it took a STAR WARS announcement for me to dust off the old blog. As I’m sure you’ve heard, J. J. Abrams will be directing the next STAR WARS movie, EPISODE VII: (INSERT TITLE WITH EPIC SOUNDING WORDS HERE). I was originally pessimistic when it came to this announcement, but I’ve changed my tune somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, […]