Posts Tagged ‘writing life’

The Importance of Finishing Stuff…No Matter What, Part Two
It’s not about reaching a completed version of something (with a true beginning, middle, and end; what we generally call a draft). This is about knowing when something is finished. When it is at the final draft. The hard part is, a final draft doesn’t always equal a success.

The Importance of Finishing Stuff…No Matter What (Part Uno)
Finishing something is a milestone. Finishing something with true forethought and intention is a victory. Doing so, puts you at a different stage of your career and progress as an artist.

So, a Writer walks into a coffee shop…
I’m writing this in a small, hip, yet not over the top diner near my apartment. It’s one of my favorite places. I can walk here when the weather’s nice (which it usually is). I know the servers and the managers. My poor math skills result in them getting tipped well, and they give me a free dessert or a […]